Sustainable Fishing Services
Fishwell Consultings team of scientists and consultants facilitate and contribute to the long term sustainability and viability of fishing in Australia.
Dr Ian Knuckey – Director
Dr Ian Knuckey provides expert research advice and consulting services to encourage and promote sustainable fishing practices to the commercial fishing industry within Australia.
With a PhD in fisheries population dynamics, BSc (Hons) in Marine Ecology and over twenty years of experience; Dr Knuckey has extensive knowledge and is an expert within the industry.
The Fishwell Pty Ltd team delivers high quality and accurate scientific publications, comprehensive reports, research and consulting proposals to the commercial fishing industry, commonwealth and state government departments, research and management organisations, funding bodies and the broader fishing community.
Dr Knuckey is a specialist in the industry and offers expertise In a variety of areas, in particular; temperate and tropical fisheries, invertebrate fisheries and both inshore and deepwater scalefish and shark fisheries.
Dr Knuckey has implemented the successful Integrated Scientific Monitoring Programs for the South East Fishery and Great Australian Bight fisheries and is the Principal Investigator of a number of research projects including, Investigation of the use of modified trawl gear to reduce bycatch levels in these fisheries; Introducing an industry-based fishery independent survey into the SEF; Development of electronic logbooks for fishing vessels; and, Forming an Australian-wide company to utilise through-chain production of seafood wastes.

Dr Paul McShane – Marine Bioligist
Dr Paul McShane is a marine biologist with more than 40 years of professional experience including senior research management roles in Victoria, New Zealand, South Australia and Tasmania.
He is Principal of Global Marine Resource Management Pty Ltd, a consultancy company providing advice on assessment and management of living marine resources. During his career, he has led and managed interdisciplinary research and development projects in Australia, Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, South Asia) and the Middle East (UAE).
Dr McShane brings capability in marine and coastal resource assessment and management particularly fisheries and aquaculture with more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. In his capacity as a fisheries scientist, Dr McShane is Chair of the South East Resource Assessment Group (SERAG), a Scientific Member of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery Resource Assessment Group (SESSFRAG) and Research Member of the South East Management Advisory Committee (SEMAC) responsive to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA).
He is a former Director of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) and has held non-executive director positions on various seafood industry boards and committees. Dr McShane is currently an adjunct Professor of Fisheries and Aquaculture at James Cook University.

Matt Koopman – Scientist
Matt Koopman has more than 25 years experience working with recreational and commercial fisheries around Australia and overseas.
He has a PhD in fisheries biology and has extensive experience working with fisheries data and data collection systems from both government and non-government organisations. He worked for three years as the data scientist for various resource assessment groups, which involved the collation and presentation of fisheries data from observer programs.
Matt has undertaken fisheries survey design and implementation in numerous fisheries including the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery, Northern snapper fisheries and sea cucumber fisheries in Queensland and the Northern Territory.
He has 15 years experience with R programming language and QGIS to create high quality, reproducible data summaries (graphs, maps and tables) for mangers, scientists and fishers. His engagements within Commonwealth fisheries have led to the establishment of strong partnerships with commercial fishers and fisheries managers.

Bryce Nurnaitis – Research Assistant & Scientific Observer
Since completing a Bachelor of Marine Science at Deakin University in 2023, Bryce has gained valuable hands-on experience both aboard fishing vessels and through various onshore research projects.
During his work with Fishwell, Bryce has worked as a fishery observer on the Queensland Gulf of Carpentaria Developmental Fin Fish Trawl Fishery, the 2024 Eastern Zone Orange Roughy Survey and on trials of a modified dropline method for targeting Blue-Eye Trevalla in Gulper Shark Closures off eastern Tasmania. He has also contributed to several significant fieldwork initiatives, including the 2024 Bass Strait Survey and the 2024 QLD Sandfish Survey and a biomass survey for Burrowing Blackfish at Lizard Island.
Additionally, Bryce serves as a liaison for the FishSOOP ocean monitoring program (a collaboration between UNSW, IMOS and Fishwell), working closely with fishermen to ensure their temperature-depth gear is up to date and functioning properly. Bryce also provides support for OLRAC electronic logbook software for Australian users.

Olrac, a complete eLog Software Solution
Sophisticated, affordable, multi-level software tool for the recording and reporting of ALL marine and vessel-based data.
The Olrac Electronic Logbook (eLog) Solution was developed by OLSPS. This software is a sophisticated, affordable and multi-level eLog for the recording, reporting and management of commercial fishing data. The Olrac eLog can be highly customised to include any number of fish species, fish products and grades, fishing methods and different fisheries management regimes. The Olrac eLog is currently used globally by fishers, companies, fishing fleets and sector managers in fisheries of various sizes, from small-scale artisanal to factory vessels.
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Talk to the fisheries expert
If you need help with a sustainable fisheries project please get in touch with the Director of Fishwell Consulting, Dr Ian Knuckey.