Harvest Strategies
Frameworks for sustainable fisheries managment.A fisheries harvest strategy sets out a transparent and structured process for monitoring, assessing and managing of sustainable fish stocks. Harvest strategies aim to balance ecological, economic and social outcomes for fisheries.
Developing harvest strategies requires balancing the needs of ecological sustainability with economic and social objectives. They incorporate available scientific and monitoring data, scientific/expert and stakeholder input, and feedback from public consultation to get the balance right. Defining harvest strategies can be challenging with managing competing interests, making decisions with varying amounts and quality of data and cross jurisdictional boundaries.
Fishwell Pty Ltd has decades of combined experience working with the fishing industry, governments and research bodies to develop, implement and inform harvest strategies. Our input into harvest strategies include:
– data analysis
– workshop facilitation and participation
– stakeholder engagement
– scientific research
– defining reference points and harvest control rules
– monitoring indicators
– harvest strategy reviews and recommendations
Harvest Strategy Projects

Talk to the fisheries expert
If you need help with a sustainable fisheries project please get in touch with the Director of Fishwell Consulting, Dr Ian Knuckey.